Michael Abraham
About a Bout, 2021, 12" x 12", oil on panel, framed, SOLD
Around the Block, 2010, 30" x 24", oil on canvas, framed, $7,000
Big Nose Bouquet, 2015, 48" x 40", oil on linen, framed, $13,500
Finding the Footprints, 2006, 40" x 46", oil on linen, framed, $12,500
Glass House / Meteor Shower, 2014, 48" x 36", oil on linen, framed, $11,500
Hope (Girl on Golden Horse), 2017, 44" x 36", oil on linen, framed, $11,000
Hope and Punches, 2014, 48" x 44", oil on linen, framed, $14,750
Music (Stylings), 2017, 40" x 36", oil on linen, framed, $9,800
Piper's Medley, 2020, 58" x 72", oil on linen, framed, Inquire for Price
Power Couple, 2012, 48" x 40", oil on linen, framed, $13,500
Rooted Flight, 2021, 30" x 24", oil on canvas, framed, $7,000
Theatro (Theatrics), 2017, 30" x 24", oil on canvas, framed, $5,050
To the Cleaners - Bull, 2014, 40" x 36", oil on linen, framed, SOLD